FW: Description of the new 'ntsec' feature

Suhaib M. Siddiqi ssiddiqi@inspirepharm.com
Wed Aug 18 18:21:00 GMT 1999

> Jim & Jenn Dumser wrote:
> > [...]
> > It would help to know exactly when these features were added to the
> > snapshots. I grabbed 990815 since it was the latest, but many programs
> > (vim, etc.) just core dump with it. (I'm running NT4 SP5.)
> > [...]
> It's part of the snapshots since 25-May. If you think that the ntsec
> feature is the reason for the core dumps you have two choices:
> - Send me an strace
> - set CYGWIN=nontsec

In my hands NTSEC had been very annoying.  I get all the time those
pinfo_proc kill at 1000 blah blah.

I did not understand the philosophy behind NTSEC.  Cygwin is a development
not a multiuser UNIX login system, thus I am not sure implementing all the
traditional security features would be helpfull for development tools.


> I'm using ntsec since I begun to develop it (since mid of January) and
> I'm using vim, too. I don't have any core dump with it. This should not
> imply, that I believe, ntsec is error free! Moreover, ntsec is a widely
> discussable feature and it will not be useful for everyone.
> Regards,
> Corinna
> --
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