crc error in

Mumit Khan khan@xraylith.wisc.EDU
Tue Aug 31 23:49:00 GMT 1999

"Reza Habib" <> writes:
> Hello.  I tried to download the msvcrt addon for gcc 2.95 and when unzipping
> it (with winzip), I get a crc error.  I downloaded it twice just to make
> sure it wasn't a corrupted file in transfer and both times got the same
> error.  Just wanted to report this.  Thanks.

Thanks Reza. Something went wrong when this particular zip archive was
created (this is all by a script, which is reasonably well-tested), and
I've regenerated the zip archive. 

I updated the archive at Sun Aug  1 12:33:45 CDT 1999, and it's 441610
bytes in size. If you still have trouble with it, please make sure your
web/ftp client is not catching it by checking the size.


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