1.3.20: [incr Tcl/Tk] interpreters missing - second try

Ronald Landheer-Cieslak ronald@landheer.com
Thu Mar 20 17:27:00 GMT 2003

Have a look here
and here
and here


On Thu, 20 Mar 2003, Jerzy Witkowski wrote:

> Hello,
> (since I did not receive any answer to my previous posting, I'm trying for
> the second time)
> I refreshed my Cygwin installation and found out that [incr Tcl/Tk]
> interpreters are missing. In the previous version Tcl/Tk interpreters were
> named `cygtclsh80.exe', `cygwish80.exe', `cygitclsh30.exe' and
> `cygitkwish30.exe'. Now the first two of them are named `tclsh.exe' and
> `wish.exe', but I cannot find the last ones. It is strange, because the
> compile libraries (e.g. lib/libitcl.a) and startup files (e.g.
> usr/share/itcl3.2/) for them are still supplied. Please help.
>     Cygwin DLL version info:
>         DLL version: 1.3.20
>     tcltk                20030214-1
> Best regards,
> Jerzy Witkowski
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