Interrupts, bash and .cmd scripts

Larry Hall
Wed Aug 4 02:24:00 GMT 2004

At 02:46 PM 8/3/2004, you wrote:

>Hi all...
>I'm having a problem with ^C while running weblogic server in either an xterm
>or rxvt. This problem does not exist when running bash in the regular cmd
>window. I was advised to send this to the cygwin-xfree mailing list, but I
>don't believe it is an xfree related issue. If the net.wisdom here believes
>otherwise, I'll move the discussion over there...

Does it happen from rxvt without the X-server running?

>The problem is that if I launch an xterm or rxvt and I then run the
>startWeblogic.cmd script, typing a ^C will return me to the bash prompt, but
>it will not kill the weblogic server I ran. The task manager will show the 
>java.exe process running, and the machine responds on the WLS port.
>I'm pretty sure this is not isolated to the weblogic start script, but to all 
>.cmd scripts, but it is hard to tell.
>When I run an xterm, I'm launching XWin using the cygwin run.exe with the
>-clipboard -multiwindow options, and then launching xterm using run.exe /bin/
>xterm. When I run rxvt, I just run it from a cmd window using "rxvt &".
>This is on Window 2000 SP3.
>Any help would be appreciated.

Starting here is usually the best thing to do:

>Problem reports:

Following up on some of that advice, did you try googling?  I found
this by looking for "Control-C" and "rxvt" in 2004.


Looks relevant to me, no?

Larry Hall                    
RFK Partners, Inc.                      (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street                   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746                     

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