FW: sshd "ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host" until restarted

David Christensen dpchrist@holgerdanske.com
Tue Feb 15 14:02:00 GMT 2005

Tom Rodman wrote:
> 823973892 [main] sshd 1376 fork_copy: linked dll data/bss pass 0
> failed,
>  0x45E000..0x45F250, done 0, windows pid 2448, Win32 error 487
>      238 [main] sshd 804 fork_copy: linked dll data/bss pass 0
> failed,
>  0x33E000..0x33F250, done 0, windows pid 3516, Win32 error 487

Hmmm...  I seem to recall the cure for Cygwin fork() failure is rebaseall:

    Administrator@p42800e:~$ net stop sshd
    The CYGWIN sshd service is stopping.
    The CYGWIN sshd service was stopped successfully.

    Administrator@p42800e:~$ net stop exim
    The Exim Mail Transfer Agent service is stopping.
    The Exim Mail Transfer Agent service was stopped successfully.

    Administrator@p42800e:~$ net stop cron
    The Cron daemon service is stopping.
    The Cron daemon service was stopped successfully.

    Administrator@p42800e:~$ rebaseall

Restart.  Test sshd, cron, and exim -- everything works!



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