Running cygwin service via cygrunsrv under account without password in Win XP Pro - impossible?

Vadym Voznyuk
Tue Jun 7 06:08:00 GMT 2005

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Andrew Schulman" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, June 03, 2005 8:31 AM
Subject: Re: Running cygwin service via cygrunsrv under account without
password in Win XP Pro - impossible?

>> -w, --passwd <password>
>>   Optional password for user. Only needed if a user is given. If a
>> user has an empty password, enter `-w ' with no <password>.
>> cygrunsrv -I svc_name -p /usr/bin/svc.exe -u foo -w ""
> Isn't '-w ""' different from just '-w'?  In other words,
> cygrunsrv.README is telling you to use no password, while you're giving
> it an empty password, which is different.  I dunno, but it's worth a
> try.

No, that is correct syntax actually!

Did you read the message from the Corinna himself? He solved it!
There is a special local security policy setting in XP and 2K3, once I set 
it properly - everything works beautifully.

> Another option is to run the service as user SYSTEM.  This is what I do,
> and I've never had any trouble.  But of course you're right to try to
> run it under a lower-privilege account.

Corinna rocks! No need to invent crazy workarounds like trying to put 
/home/my_user_name in /etc/passwd for the SYSTEM account to force ssh to 
pick up my RSA key.
Just ask Corinna and the world is your oyster ;) 

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