no message or dialog when a DLL is missing

Dave Korn
Wed Aug 30 22:33:00 GMT 2006

On 30 August 2006 21:54, Danny Smith wrote:

> Dave Korn
>> On 30 August 2006 16:19, Pierre Baillargeon wrote:
>>> I've identified the reason why DLL don't show up: in the startup code
>>> (winsup/cygwin/, in dll_crt0_0(), Win32's SetErrorMode() is
>>> called to suppress all OS error dialogs. It's there since 1998
>>> according to the changelog, so it must not bother many people...
>>   It's a real, huge, massive problem, when an entirely
>> scripted and automated process such as a cron job suddenly
>> pops up a requester in the middle of the night that won't go
>> away until someone comes in the next day, logs in, and clicks it away ...
> Have you ever tried running the gcc (or other large) testsuite on mingw
> (or cygwin -mno-cygwin)?


> I have a special crt2.o that I use for that which does the SetErrorMode
> trick.

  Throws up a requester every time a testcase SEGVs?  Yow!

> Similarly there is nothing to stop user code from turning SetErrorMode()
> on again if you want it .

  Of course, but there's still an issue here why this case doesn't get a
proper ENOENT status in $? and an error message on stderr.

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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