orpie setup.hint problem

Andrew Schulman schulman.andrew@epamail.epa.gov
Wed Jan 20 22:58:00 GMT 2010

> The requires: line for orpie mentions lapack. I think this should be 
> liblapack0?

Hm, you seem to be right.  I just uninstalled lapack and liblapack, leaving
just liblapack-devel and liblapack0.  I quit and restarted orpie, and it
runs fine.  (If you try to start orpie without any *lapack* packages
installed, it just gives a black screen.)  It seems to use just
cygblas-0.dll, from liblapack0.

> For some reason, setup never believes that lapack is installed. It keeps 
> listing it for installation in the Preview pane. I install it each time, 
> but it is never listed as an installed package by cygcheck. orpie is the 
> only package that depends on lapack.

Yes, lapack, gcc, and I think one other package do that.  It's been
discussed here before but I forget the reason.  It seems to be
uncorrectable at present.

I agree that it would be nicer to avoid that, so I'll post a new setup.hint
that fixes the dependency.

Thanks for reporting this.

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