Strange SSH disconnect problem

david sastre
Thu Jan 21 22:55:00 GMT 2010

2010/1/21, Rene Caspari <>:
> Hello,
> I have a strange problem using openssh (client) with cygwin and
> Windows7. After starting Windows I start a SSH connection from within
> mintty and bash to Server A, afterwards Server B, C and so on.
> If the SSH to B and C is idle for some time, the connection is
> interrupted and after a few seconds closed, but only for B and C, to
> Server A it still works fine.
> Another strange thing, if I open SSH to Server A at first and after it
> another connection to Server A, the second connection have the same
> disconnect problem, the first works fine again...
> I tried it with and without TCPKeepAlive, nothing changed, there is no
> desktop firewall or something and other connections (jabber, rdesktop)
> are fine.
> I'm using ssh-agent with keychain but I can't imagine why this can be
> problem.
> Do you know this behavior or have any idea?
> Kind regards,
> Rene
> --
> "If everyone demanded peace instead of another television set,
> then there'd be peace." (John Lennon)
>  -  -  Rene Caspari  -  GPG-KeyID: 0xCA40A793  -
> --
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Hi there,
Have you tried to configure keep alive in /etc/ssh/ssh_client.conf or
/etc/ssh_config -cant remember the right location now :) ?
Just set ServerAliveInterval to N to send a packet every N seconds.
I recently updated to 1.7 and the same happened to me, I use screen a
lot, and sometimes, when I came back to a session, it had died.
Just a guess but maybe ssh_config got updated.
Don't forget to restart the service.
Good luck.


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