90% of programs are unavailable during install using setup.exe in Windows Vista Home Premium

jeff beck surfer.maui@gmail.com
Sun Apr 1 21:28:00 GMT 2012

I had no problem installing and using Cygwin, however tcsh and most
all programs are marked as n/a.  I Googled for hours and could not
find an answer to this problem. My first concern is getting tcsh.
Secondly, that I am doing something wrong since the majority of the
programs are marked n/a.

I cycled through all the 'views'. I ran setup.exe a second time. No
difference - it showed me what was installed, and there were no
additional programs I could select, all were marked n/a.

Thanks in advance for any help.

uname gives: CYGWIN_NT-6.1-WOW64

I didn't a choice for selecting different versions of Cgywin.

j. Beck

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