possible bug in 1.7.22-1 core DLLs

Christopher Faylor cgf-use-the-mailinglist-please@cygwin.com
Wed Jul 31 17:37:00 GMT 2013

On Wed, Jul 31, 2013 at 12:24:32PM -0400, starlight.2013z3@binnacle.cx wrote:
>Have been running 1.7.16 for some time and living with the annoying
>CTRL-C hang bug.
>Tried swapping in cygwin1.dll cyglsa.dll and cyglsa64.dll from 1.7.22-1
>without (thankfully) updating the entire CYGWIN release.
>The 22-1 DLLs fix the CTRL-C problem, but cause a high-intensity
>parallel build job to fail consistently.  Looks like 'imake' output
>Makefiles are somehow getting corrupted.  The build runs entirely over
>a CIFS share via Samba 3.6.10.
>I suppose that some dependency conflict between older version DLLs and
>the newer core DLLs could be the cause, but one would hope that the
>APIs would be relatively stable at this point.
>Of course I put everything back, but am reporting to the list since
>this would qualify as a serious regression.
>To some extent I'm willing to attempt to hunt down what's failing, but
>I have limited time to do so.

You are right in assuming that newer DLLs should work with older
binaries but no one is willing to do tech support or debugging based on
vague problem reports.  So, it isn't clear exactly what you're
expecting.  If you think someone is going to take a "1.7.16"
installation and then drop a newer cygwin1.dll into it to debug your
problem then you are likely going to be disappointed - especially if you
can't even be bothered to subscribe to the mailing list.

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