mintty phantom key presses

Eric Adams
Mon May 2 21:54:15 GMT 2022


I had previously reported this issue as "Possible phantom control-key state..."

I observe that moving between cygwin mintty windows and Windows
windows causes unexpected behavior in the cygwin world.

I took a new approach, using vi :) . In cygwin, I open a new file,
enter insert mode, hit Ctrl-V, and mouse out of the window. When I
mouse back into the cygwin edit window, my screen contains the display
string "^[[O" (note that the "^[" is vi-speak for "esc"). Examining
the resulting file with od shows:
> od -ah fdsa
0000000 esc   [   O  nl
               5b1b    0a4f

Here, the nl character is inserted by vi.

This smells like an incomplete escape sequence. If it's left at the
command line, just waiting for the user to type something, there might
be trouble.

Am I completely off?
Eric Adams.
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